Senin, 30 Maret 2009

3 Reasons To Treat Your Business Like A Workout

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Author: Seomul Evans
When you’re on the edge of burnout, or you’re not sure if you’re leading your business in the right direction, sometimes it helps to think of your business in terms of analogies. Hopefully, as a business owner, you make time to care for your physical health, and maybe you even go to a gym every once in awhile. Here are three reasons, taken straight from the gym, to treat your business like a workout.
1. Small Adjustments Make a Big Difference. If you’re like many people, you started out trying to teach yourself how to use the gym equipment. Later on, you may have enlisted the help of a personal trainer to give you even more details about how to use the machines most efficiently and effectively. Even just a small adjustment in arm or leg position could result in making you use an entirely different set of muscles altogether. Just a few inches can make a huge difference! And if you had never learned to use the equipment properly, then you would have never seen the benefits.
Compare this to the way you use your business website. Many business owners start out thinking they can manage their websites and their search engine optimization tasks. Then they realize that just a few hours of consultation with an SEO professional, plus a few tweaks to the website, can turn an unproductive website into a gold mine of traffic and leads. Much better than just giving up the business website altogether!
2. Create Deadlines and Appointments. If you’re trying to lose weight or reach another fitness goal, you need to set a time in which you expect to reach your goal. Otherwise it’s too easy to think to yourself, “I’m too tired to go to the gym today. I’ll just go tomorrow.” And then, as you know, tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and on and on. Another helpful thing to do is to make an appointment with a personal trainer or a workout buddy. You’re much more likely to show up if someone is expecting you.

The same is true for your business. You need to set clear goals and deadlines for yourself, otherwise you will put off those tasks that don’t motivate or inspire you but need to be done anyway. And if you find that you need to consult with someone about your business, pick up the phone and call them right away. Make that appointment as soon as possible, otherwise you’ll just continue to put it off.

3. Enlist Third-Party Help. Personal trainers are helpful in that they can analyze your physical fitness needs and help you design an exercise regimen to address those needs, but the most important thing they do is to encourage you and keep you motivated. The trainer might make your workout harder, but she’ll also be right there beside you to cheer you on.

Your business is very much the same. You know exactly what you need to do to get better and improve your business, but sometimes it seems daunting. And then when you do those things to improve your business, you give yourself a break. But it won’t be long before you need to take on new challenges to grow your business even more. And as you take on each new challenge, you need to surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and encourage you to continue, no matter how much you resist or want to give up.

Running your business is not unlike working out at your favorite gym. You need help making the right adjustments for a successful business, you need to dedicate yourself to deadlines and appointments, and you need to constantly improve your business despite the difficulty this may pose. And remember to surround yourself with supporters who will keep you motivated.

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